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明人画 唐代边鸾花鸟 美国弗利尔美术馆藏  

2015-07-28 11:25:31|  分类: 鉴赏收藏 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Pair of Phoenixes on a Paulownia Tree
Maker(s) Artist: Bian Luan, active late 8th-early 9th century
Medium: Hanging scroll; ink and color on silk
Dimensions: H x W (image): 159.1 x 90.5 cm (62 5/8 x 35 5/8 in)
Type: Painting
Origin: China
Topic: phoenix, Ming dynasty (1368 - 1644), China, Chinese Art
Credit Line: Gift of Charles Lang Freer
Date: 16th century
Period: Ming dynasty
Accession Number: F1919.112
Data Source: Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery


  边鸾 生卒未详,京兆(今西安)人。唐德宗时曾官右卫长史。朱景玄《唐朝名画录》称他“最长于花鸟”,而且画“草木、蜂蝶、雀、蝉,并居妙品”,“朱色鲜明”,“下笔轻利,用色鲜明,穷羽毛之变态,夺花卉之芳妍”。北宋董逌评其“精于设色,如良工之无斧鑿痕”(《图绘宝鉴》);元人夏文彦赞其花卉“花色红淡,若浥雨疏风,光色艳发”。苏轼在《书鄢陵王主簿所画折枝》中也称赞边鸾花鸟画“天工与清新”,所谓“边鸾雀写生,赵昌花传神。何如此两幅,疏澹含精匀。谁言一点红,解寄无边春。”

Two Doves on a Flowering Branch
Maker(s) Artist: Bian Luan, active late 8th-early 9th century
Medium: Ink and color on paper
Dimensions: H x W (image): 60.1 x 39 cm (23 11/16 x 15 3/8 in)
Type: Painting
Origin: China
Topic: flower, Ming dynasty (1368 - 1644), dove, China, Chinese Art
Credit Line: Gift of Charles Lang Freer
Date: 14th-15th century
Period: Ming dynasty
Accession Number: F1916.523
Data Source: Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery

Magpies, Waxwing, Hibiscus and Cinnamon
Maker(s) Artist: Bian Luan, active late 8th-early 9th century
Medium: Ink and color on silk
Dimensions: H x W: 171.6 x 120.8 cm (67 9/16 x 47 9/16 in)
Type: Painting
Origin: China
Topic: hibiscus, Ming dynasty (1368 - 1644), China, magpie, Chinese Art
Credit Line: Gift of Charles Lang Freer
Date: ca. 1400
Period: Ming dynasty
Accession Number: F1916.67
Data Source: Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery

Bird on a Flowering Branch
Maker(s) Artist: Bian Luan, active late 8th-early 9th century
Medium: Ink and color on silk
Dimensions: H x W (image): 60.5 x 34.8 cm (23 13/16 x 13 11/16 in)
Type: Painting
Origin: China
Topic: bird, flower, Ming dynasty (1368 - 1644), butterfly, Qing dynasty (1644 - 1911), China, Chinese Art
Credit Line: Gift of Charles Lang Freer
Date: 17th-19th century
Period: Ming or Qing dynasty
Accession Number: F1909.183
Data Source: Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery

Hawk on a Rock
Maker(s) Artist: Bian Luan, active late 8th-early 9th century
Medium: Ink and color on silk
Dimensions: H x W (image): 107.4 x 62.1 cm (42 5/16 x 24 7/16 in)
Type: Painting
Origin: China
Topic: bird, eagle, Ming dynasty (1368 - 1644), China, Chinese Art
Credit Line: Gift of Charles Lang Freer
Date: ca. 1500
Period: Ming dynasty
Accession Number: F1909.186
Data Source: Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery

Ducks, Torrent, and Overhanging Rocks
Maker(s) Artist: Lü Ji, ca. 1420-ca. 1505, Bian Luan, active late 8th-early 9th century
Medium: Hanging scroll mounted on panel; ink and color on silk
Dimensions: H x W (image): 158.2 x 100.3 cm (62 5/16 x 39 1/2 in)
Type: Painting
Origin: China
Topic: duck, Ming dynasty (1368 - 1644), China, Chinese Art
Credit Line: Gift of Charles Lang Freer
Date: 16th century
Period: Ming dynasty
Accession Number: F1916.134
Data Source: Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery

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